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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 follow [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (move behind)SCSimplified Chinese 跟随 gēn suí TCTraditional Chinese 跟隨   SCSimplified Chinese 跟着 gēn suí,gēn zhe TCTraditional Chinese 跟著 / 跟着  He followed his wife into the house.  他跟着妻子进了房子。 follow [sth]⇒ vtr (proceed along)SCSimplified Chinese 沿着…行进 yán zhe … xíng jìn  Follow the road until you reach the post office.  沿着这条路走,一直到邮局。 follow [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (leadership, authority)SCSimplified Chinese 追随 zhuī suí TCTraditional Chinese 追隨   SCSimplified Chinese 接受…的指导  He follows his heart, wherever it takes him.  他跟着自己的心走,随它把自己带到哪里。 follow [sth]⇒ vtr (obey, do as told)SCSimplified Chinese 听从 tīng cóng TCTraditional Chinese 聽從   SCSimplified Chinese 遵照 tīng cóng ,zūn zhào TCTraditional Chinese 遵照  You should follow his advice.  你应该听从他的建议。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 follow⇒ vi (come next after [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 跟随 gēn suí TCTraditional Chinese 跟隨   SCSimplified Chinese 追随 gēn suí,zhuī suí TCTraditional Chinese 追隨  I'll go first, and you can follow.  我先去,你可以跟着来。 follow vi (come next after [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 紧接着 jǐn jiē zhe TCTraditional Chinese 緊接著   SCSimplified Chinese 紧跟 jǐn jiē zhe,jǐn gēn  What follows is an example of how not to proceed.  接下来是关于如何停止的示例。 follow [sth]⇒ vtr (occur as a result)SCSimplified Chinese 结果是 jié guǒ shì TCTraditional Chinese 結果是   SCSimplified Chinese 接着 jié guǒ shì,jiē zhe TCTraditional Chinese 接著 / 接着  It follows that reducing interest rates increases inflation. follow [sth] vtr (sequence: come after)SCSimplified Chinese 跟在…的后面 gēn zài de hòu miàn  In the Cyrillic Alphabet, B follows A. follow [sb]⇒ vtr (imitate, be like [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 效仿 xiào fǎng   SCSimplified Chinese 与…相像 xiào fǎng ,yǔ … xiāng xiàng TCTraditional Chinese 與…相像  She follows her mother in being very talkative. follow [sth]⇒ vtr (result from [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 随…之后发生 suí zhī hòu fā shēng   SCSimplified Chinese 是…的结果 suí zhī hòu fā shēng,shì de jié guǒ  Can any good follow this? follow [sth] vtr (watch)SCSimplified Chinese 关注 guān zhù TCTraditional Chinese 關注   SCSimplified Chinese 注视 guān zhù,zhù shì TCTraditional Chinese 注視  They followed her every move. follow [sth] vtr (keep up with [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 关注 guān zhù TCTraditional Chinese 關注   SCSimplified Chinese 关心 guān zhù,guān xīn TCTraditional Chinese 關心  Do you follow politics? follow [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (understand [sth], [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 理解 lǐ jiě TCTraditional Chinese 理解   SCSimplified Chinese 懂得 lǐ jiě ,dǒng dé TCTraditional Chinese 懂得   SCSimplified Chinese 明白 lǐ jiě ,míng bái  Do you follow what I'm saying? follow [sth]⇒ vtr (obey: a route, pattern, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 遵守,遵从,遵循 zūn shǒu,zūn cóng ,zūn xún TCTraditional Chinese 遵守,遵循   SCSimplified Chinese 仿效,照着…做 fǎng xiào  Alina carefully followed the knitting pattern for the pullover.  艾琳娜仔细地照着编织图案织套头毛衣。 follow [sb]⇒ vtr (social media) (社交媒体)SCSimplified Chinese 关注 guān zhù TCTraditional Chinese 關注  80 million people follow this singer on Twitter.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 follow [sb] around vtr phrasal sep (trail [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 跟踪,追踪 gēn zōng,zhuī zōng TCTraditional Chinese 跟蹤 / 跟踪  He followed me around all day. follow from [sth] vtr phrasal insep (come as a logical result)SCSimplified Chinese 承接… chéng jiē …   SCSimplified Chinese 承…而来 chéng jiē …,chéng … ér lái  This logically follows from the given evidence. follow on vi phrasal (be a consequence)SCSimplified Chinese 随之会发生 suí zhī huì fā shēng   SCSimplified Chinese 随之会有…的结果 suí zhī huì fā shēng,suí zhī huì yǒu de jié guǒ  It follows on that any rise in taxes must be accompanied by an improvement in services. follow on from [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be the next step)SCSimplified Chinese 接着 jiē zhe TCTraditional Chinese 接著 / 接着   SCSimplified Chinese 在...后继续  This action follows on from the decision taken last month.  上个月做出决策后,接着就进行了这项举措。 follow on vi phrasal (walk behind [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 尾随 wěi suí TCTraditional Chinese 尾隨   SCSimplified Chinese 跟随 wěi suí,gēn suí TCTraditional Chinese 跟隨 follow [sth] out, follow out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (directions: carry out) (指示)SCSimplified Chinese 遵照,贯彻,执行 zūn zhào,zhí xíng TCTraditional Chinese 遵照,貫徹,執行 follow through vi phrasal (continue [sth] to completion)SCSimplified Chinese 坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ TCTraditional Chinese 堅持到底   SCSimplified Chinese 坚持完成 jiān chí dào dǐ,jiān chí wán chéng TCTraditional Chinese 堅持完成 备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun He's very good at starting things but never seems to manage to follow through.  他很会动手做事,但似乎从来没能坚持到底。 follow through with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (continue [sth] to completion)SCSimplified Chinese 完成 wán chéng TCTraditional Chinese 完成  Sam is always making plans but she never follows through with any of them.  萨姆总是在制定计划,但她从未将任何一个坚持做完。 follow [sth] through vtr phrasal sep (continue [sth] to completion)SCSimplified Chinese 完成 wán chéng TCTraditional Chinese 完成  A good manager ensures that their team is able to follow a project through.  一个好的经理会确保他们的团队能够坚持完成一个项目。 follow through vi phrasal (sports: after throwing, etc.) (体育运动)SCSimplified Chinese 传球之后继续随球动作  She's learning how to follow through in a complete arc after hitting the ball.  她正在学习如何在击球后打出一个完整的弧线。 follow up vi phrasal (take next step)SCSimplified Chinese 接着 jiē zhe TCTraditional Chinese 接著 / 接着   SCSimplified Chinese 随后 jiē zhe ,suí hòu TCTraditional Chinese 隨後   SCSimplified Chinese 下一步 TCTraditional Chinese 下一步  The young gymnast performed a dive roll, and did a cartwheel to follow up.  那名年轻的体操选手在一个俯冲翻滚后接了一个侧手翻。 follow up on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (investigate)SCSimplified Chinese 对…进行进一步调查   SCSimplified Chinese 追查 zhuī chá  The detective followed up on the lead.  侦探对这则线索进行进一步调查。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 follow in [sb]'s footsteps, follow in the footsteps of [sb] v expr figurative (do as [sb] else has done)SCSimplified Chinese 步...的后尘 follow in [sb]'s footsteps, follow in the footsteps of [sb] v expr figurative (take the same career path as [sb] else)SCSimplified Chinese 步...的后尘   SCSimplified Chinese 继承...的事业  He wanted to follow in his brother's footsteps and become a football player. She followed in her mother's footsteps and became an artist. follow me interj (come with me)SCSimplified Chinese 跟我来 TCTraditional Chinese 跟我來   SCSimplified Chinese 随我来 follow-on adj (occurring next)SCSimplified Chinese 接下来的 jiē xià lái de TCTraditional Chinese 接下來的   SCSimplified Chinese 随后的 jiē xià lái de ,suí hòu de TCTraditional Chinese 隨後的 follow-on n (thing that comes next)SCSimplified Chinese 后续的事 TCTraditional Chinese 後續的事   SCSimplified Chinese 随后之事 follow-on n (cricket)SCSimplified Chinese 继续击球 follow on the heels of [sb], follow on [sb]'s heels v expr figurative (do the same as [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 跟某人做的一样 gēn mǒu rén zuò de yí yàng   SCSimplified Chinese 仿效 gēn mǒu rén zuò de yí yàng,fǎng xiào  The young singer wanted to follow on the heels of his famous father. follow on the heels of [sth] v expr figurative (come after)SCSimplified Chinese 紧随其后 jǐn suí qí hòu TCTraditional Chinese 緊隨其後   SCSimplified Chinese 紧紧跟在…后面 jǐn suí qí hòu,jǐn jǐn gēn zài hòu miàn  They were afraid a large tidal wave would follow on the heels of the earthquake. follow one another v expr (come one after the other)SCSimplified Chinese 一个接一个 yí gè jiē yí gè   SCSimplified Chinese 前赴后继  The goals quickly followed one another in the second half of the game. follow [sb/sth] out vtr + adv (leave closely after [sb/sth])SCSimplified Chinese 跟随…离开,在…之后离开 follow [sb]'s example⇒ vi (do the same as [sb] else)SCSimplified Chinese 以某人为榜样 yǐ mǒu rén wéi bǎng yàng   SCSimplified Chinese 仿效 yǐ mǒu rén wéi bǎng yàng,fǎng xiào  I'm going to follow Maria's example and spend more time working with the community. follow [sb]'s lead v expr (do the same as [sb] else)SCSimplified Chinese 效法某人 xiào fǎ mǒu rén   SCSimplified Chinese 以某人为榜样 xiào fǎ mǒu rén,yǐ mǒu rén wéi bǎng yàng  The leader of the exercise class wanted us to follow her lead. follow suit vi figurative (do the same, copy: [sb] else)SCSimplified Chinese 跟着做 gēn zhe zuò   SCSimplified Chinese 照着做 gēn zhe zuò,zhào zhe zuò  He was such a copycat; if his brother did something he would always follow suit. After the first bank started giving away toasters, the rest of the banks followed suit.  他就是个跟屁虫。他兄弟做什么,他就跟着做。  第一家银行开始送烤面包机后,其他银行也纷纷效仿。 follow the crowd v expr (copy what others are doing)SCSimplified Chinese 随大流 suí dà liú TCTraditional Chinese 隨波逐流   SCSimplified Chinese 从众 suí dà liú,cóng zhòng  She was truly unique, always refusing to follow the crowd. follow the rules v expr (obey instructions)SCSimplified Chinese 遵守规则 zūn shǒu guī zé TCTraditional Chinese 遵守規則  Most things work more smoothly when we all follow the rules. He was a maverick who thought he didn't have to follow the rules. follow-through n (sport: continuation of motion) (体育运动,传球之后的)SCSimplified Chinese 随球动作,扬球 yáng qiú  You need to have a good follow-through to be a good golfer.  要成为一名优秀的高尔夫球手,你需要有出众的随球动作。 follow-through n (continuing action)SCSimplified Chinese 将…进行到底 jiāng jìn xíng dào dǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 坚持 jiāng jìn xíng dào dǐ,jiān chí TCTraditional Chinese 堅持  The project manager keeps a close eye on her team to ensure follow-through.  项目经理密切关注她的团队,确保项目进行到底。 follow [sth] up by doing [sth], follow up [sth] by doing [sth] v expr (make further communication)SCSimplified Chinese 对…采取后续行动   SCSimplified Chinese 进一步沟通 jìn yí bù gōu tōng  John followed up his interview by sending a thank-you note.  约翰通过发送一封感谢信来作为对他面试采取的后续行动。 follow [sth] up with [sth], follow up [sth] with [sth] v expr (make further communication)SCSimplified Chinese 用...补充   SCSimplified Chinese 用...进一步强化  The lawyer followed her argument up with evidence.  律师用证据进一步强化她的证词。 follow your nose v expr (trace smell of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 随着气味走 follow your nose v expr informal, figurative (trust your instinct)SCSimplified Chinese 相信自己的直觉 follow your nose v expr informal, figurative (go straight on)SCSimplified Chinese 一直往前走,径直朝前走  Turn left, then take the second right and just follow your nose. follow-the-leader, follow-my-leader n (children's game)SCSimplified Chinese 模仿游戏 follow-up n (further communication)SCSimplified Chinese 后续行动 hòu xù xíng dòng TCTraditional Chinese 後續行動   SCSimplified Chinese 后续沟通 hòu xù xíng dòng,hòu xù gōu tōng  Ryan received a follow-up from the salesman.  瑞恩从推销员那里收到了后续沟通。 follow-up n (news item: further information)SCSimplified Chinese 后续消息   SCSimplified Chinese 后续信息 follow-up n (doctor's visit) (医生)SCSimplified Chinese 随访  Ron had to go to the doctor for a follow-up.  罗恩不得不去医生那里进行随访。 follow-up n (product: successor)SCSimplified Chinese 后续产品 follow-up adj (visit, call: further)SCSimplified Chinese 后续的 hòu xù de TCTraditional Chinese 後續的  Tom sent a follow-up message to Jim.  汤姆给吉姆发送了一条后续的信息。 follow-up inspection n (additional examination)SCSimplified Chinese 跟踪检查 gēn zōng jiǎn chá TCTraditional Chinese 跟蹤檢查   SCSimplified Chinese 进一步审查 gēn zōng jiǎn chá,jìn yí bù shěn chá  Before closing on the house, we need to do a final follow-up inspection.  在房子成交前,我们需要做最后的进一步检查。 follow-up investigation n (supplementary police enquiry)SCSimplified Chinese 后续调查 TCTraditional Chinese 後續調查   SCSimplified Chinese 增补调查 follow-up materials npl (resources: supplement learning)SCSimplified Chinese 增补材料 TCTraditional Chinese 增補材料   SCSimplified Chinese 补充材料 follow-up question n (additional enquiry)SCSimplified Chinese 后续问题 TCTraditional Chinese 後續問題   SCSimplified Chinese 附加问题   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: follow [ˈfɔləu] I vt 1 [+ person, car] (=go behind) 跟随(隨) gēnsuí We followed him up the steps.我们(們)跟随(隨)他上了台(臺)阶(階)。 Wǒmen gēnsuí tā shàngle táijiē. 2 [+ person] (=join later) 跟着(著)到来(來) gēnzhe dàolái He followed Julie to New York.他跟着(著)朱莉到了纽(紐)约(約)。 Tā gēnzhe Zhūlì dàole Niǔyuē. 3 (=come after) [+ event, activity, time] 继(繼)之而来(來) jì zhī ér lái the rioting that followed the verdict裁定后(後)继(繼)之而来(來)的暴乱(亂) cáidìng hòu jì zhī ér lái de bàoluàn 4 (=take heed of) [+ example, advice, instructions] 遵循 zūnxún She promised to follow his advice.她承诺(諾)要遵循他的忠告。 Tā chéngnuò yào zūnxún tā de zhōnggào. 5 [+ route, path] 沿着(著)…行进(進) yánzhe…xíngjìn We followed a path along the creek.我们(們)沿着(著)小溪(谿)边(邊)的一条(條)小路行进(進)。 Wǒmen yánzhe xiǎoxī biān de yītiáo xiǎolù xíngjìn. 6 (=understand) [+ event, story] 领(領)会(會) lǐnghuì They were having some difficulty in following the plot.他们(們)在理解情节(節)上有困难(難)。 Tāmen zài lǐjiě qíngjié shang yǒu kùnnan. 7 (=take an interest in) [+ sport, TV serial] 对(對)…感兴(興)趣 duì…gǎn xìngqù Millions of people follow football.成千上万(萬)的人对(對)足球感兴(興)趣。 Chéng qiān shàng wàn de rén duì zúqiú gǎn xìngqù. 8 (with eyes) 追随(隨) zhuīsuí Suzy's eyes followed a police car as it drove slowly past.苏(蘇)西的眼睛追随(隨)着(著)一辆(輛)慢慢驶(駛)过(過)的警车(車)。 Sūxī de yǎnjing zhuīsuízhe yī liàng mànmàn shǐguò de jǐngchē. 9 (on Twitter) 跟随 gēnsuí II vi 1 [person] 跟随(隨) gēnsuí They took him into a small room and I followed. 他们(們)把他带(帶)进(進)一间(間)小屋里(裡),我跟了进(進)去。 Tāmen bǎ tā dàijìn yī jiān xiǎowū li,wǒ gēnle jìnqù.2 [event, activity, time] 接下来(來) jiē xiàlái He was arrested in the confusion which followed.他在接下来(來)的一片混乱(亂)中被捕了。 Tā zài jiē xiàlái de yī piàn hùnluàn zhōng bèibǔ le. 3 (=result) [conclusion, benefit] 必然发(發)生 bìrán fāshēng If the explanation is right, two things follow…如果这(這)一解释(釋)正确(確)的话(話),两(兩)件事情必然发(發)生… Rúguǒ zhè yī jiěshì zhèngquè dehuà,liǎng jiàn shìqing bìrán fāshēng… to follow in sb's footsteps 步某人后(後)尘(塵) bù mǒurén hòuchén I don't quite follow you 我不太理解你的意思 wǒ bù tài lǐjiě nǐ de yìsi it follows that…一定是… yīdìng shì… as follows (when listing) 如下 rúxià The winners are as follows:…获(獲)奖(獎)者如下:… Huòjiǎngzhě rúxià:… (=in this way) 按如下方式 àn rúxià fāngshì The sum will be calculated as follows…总(總)额(額)将(將)按如下方式计(計)算… Zǒng'é jiāng àn rú xià fāngshì jìsuàn… to follow suit (fig) 照样(樣)去做 zhàoyàng qù zuò to follow one thing (up) with another thing紧(緊)接着(著)一件事做另一件事 jǐnjiēzhe yī jiàn shì zuò lìng yī jiàn shì followed by接着(著)是 jiēzhe shì follow on vi (=continue) 继(繼)续(續)下去 jìxù xiàqù follow through vt [+ plan, idea] 将(將)…进(進)行到底 jiāng…jìnxíng dàodǐ follow up vt 1 [+ letter, offer] 对(對)…采(採)取进(進)一步行动(動) duì…cǎiqǔ jìnyībù xíngdòng I followed up an advertisement for a second-hand Volkswagen. 看了广(廣)告后(後),我对(對)二手的大众(眾)车(車)作了进(進)一步了解。 Kànle guǎnggào hòu,wǒ duì èrshǒu de dàzhòngchē zuòle jìnyībù liǎojiě.2 [+ idea, suggestion] 把…探究到底 bǎ…tànjiū dàodǐ The police are following up several leads.警方正顺(順)着(著)几(幾)个(個)线(線)索追查到底。 Jǐngfāng zhèng shùnzhe jǐ gè xiànsuǒ zhuīchá dàodǐ. 在这些条目还发现'follow': 在英文解释里: adhere - attach - bark up the wrong tree - booster shot - bring up the rear - chaser - come after - come next - come on the heels of - conform - cycle through - deviant - diet - disobey - diverge - dog - draft - ensue - go after - heat-seeking - heel - hilltop - idle threat - latch on - lock on to - make the rounds - mirror - move - next - nonobservance - obey - play by ear - procedure - pursue - rebelliousness - revoke - run - sense of rhythm - shadow - short-circuit - stalk - stick like a leech - succeed - suggest - tail - take a leaf out of your book - take your cue from - trace - track - trail 中文: 从 - 跟着 - 跟随 - 追随 - 遵 - 随 - 沿 - 跟 - 奉 - 奉命 - 尾随 - 循 - 按部就班 - 效法 - 秉承 - 跟进 - 遵循 - 遵照 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Social media terms, Opposite verbs, 更多……同义词: go behind, go after, walk behind, follow on behind, tag along, 更多……习惯性搭配: follow your [dreams, heart], follow a [car, taxi, suspect, player], follow [the rules, the directions, these instructions, these steps, the guidelines], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'follow' 的论坛讨论:

Cantonese: Don't follow me 'cause I'll disappoint you Follow me! follow on from Follow your dreams Follow/Pursue your dreams I will follow up with our client ..., the rest to follow within a month. - English Only forum ''Follow-up'' treatment, care or other - English Only forum 'you can will' that everbody shall follow .... [lexical verb 'will'] - English Only forum (Formal) Synonym for "follow-up" - English Only forum [can/will] very easily follow - English Only forum a follow up is in order - English Only forum a fruit salad to follow - English Only forum a law to be followed VS a law to follow - English Only forum a reception to follow - English Only forum abide by, comply with or follow - English Only forum About "follow-up" letter - English Only forum According to the view of the subject which we have presented, it would of course follow - English Only forum Act on = Follow? - English Only forum action taken to follow up on justified ones - English Only forum Adjectives with two syllables can follow both patterns. - English Only forum After "Decision" what should follow: of/to/gerund? - English Only forum after(post)-sales service/ follow-up service/ aftercare - English Only forum alternate with one another / follow one another - English Only forum an antonym for a follow-through activity - English Only forum an easy act to follow - English Only forum And this gray spirit yearning in desire to follow knowledge like a sinking star (Tennyson) - English Only forum Anderson attempts follow the course - English Only forum any/follow-up question - English Only forum apparently intending to follow - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'follow'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "follow" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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